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Sacramento Oracle

Fireworks and July 4

Jun 25, 2024 04:05PM ● By Sacramento County News Release

SACRAMENTO COUNTY, CA (MPG) - With Independence Day coming up, it's always a good idea to know the risks of fireworks, only use legal fireworks and stay safe when using them.

If you see or suspect illegal firework usage, report it! When it comes to fireworks, we want to keep it safe and keep it legal!​​​​

The Use or Sale of Illegal Fireworks will Result in Fines​

In 2022, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors adopted a social host ordinance that levies fines, starting at $1,000, against property owners that either use or allow the use of illegal fireworks on their property, in addition to fines for use in places such as the American River Parkway.

“Host," as it relates to this ordinance, means a person who knowingly permits or allows fireworks to be lit, exploded or sold on private property owned or controlled by the person.

If the illegal fireworks are being set off from your property, you are responsible for the fines.

Penalties for violations are as follows:

$1,000 for the first violation, $2,500 for the second violation within one year of the first violation, $5,000 for each additional violation within one year of the first violation, and $10,000 for each violation that occurs at schools, parks and within the American River Parkway.

When to Call 9-1-1

Calls for service throughout the county increase dramatically on July 4 and emergency response resources are stretched extremely thin.

During the holiday weekend, use 9-1-1 for emergencies only, such as an active fire or injury or immediate threat to persons or property. Each jurisdiction has provided an alternative method to report illegal fireworks sales and usage.

Know the Risks

The unsafe use of fireworks can cause severe burns, amputations, blinding and even death. Damaging fires might occur when children use fireworks unsupervised by adults. Parents are responsible for any property damage or injuries caused by all fireworks.

Keep it Legal

All legal fireworks in California are called Safe and Sane Fireworks and must bear the State Fire Marshal's seal. Safe and Sane Fireworks can only be sold from noon June 28 through 9 p.m. July 4. Safe and Sane Fireworks can only be used between 9 a.m. and 10 p.m. from June 28 to July 4. Any firework that goes up in the air or explodes is illegal and dangerous.

Keep it Safe

Always have a non-combustible bucket of water to dispose of fireworks and leave in the water overnight before disposing. Always have an available hose connected to water in case of fire. Do not use fireworks near dry grass or other flammable materials. Do not use fireworks while under a canopy, covered balcony, covered patio or under a tree or bushes.

How to Report Illegal Fireworks Sale and Usage

Unincorporated County of Sacramento: 916-874-5115 or [email protected]

City of Sacramento: 916-808-FIRE or the Sacramento Fire Department App

Folsom: [email protected] or

Elk Grove: 916-714-5115 or [email protected]

Rancho Cordova: 916-362-5115 or the Rancho Cordova Connect App

Citrus Heights: 916-727-5500 or

Galt: 209-366-7000

Aren't sure who or how to report? Call 3-1-1 to be connected to the right place.

Together, we can ensure that Independence Day celebrations are fun, safe and do not cause undue injury or fire in our communities.